Go Fast Don't Suck
Is it "go fast so you don't suck", or does it mean "go fast and don't suck"?
I tend to think it's the latter.
If you go fast, and miss your target, fail.
If you go fast, and quality suffer, fail.
If you go fast and commit fouls, fail.
If you go fast and become a liability to your team, also fail.
And so on...
But you want to go fast, so how?
Effeciency is the keyword.
You want to plan ahead. You want to be able to see each step you're going to take, each action you're going to execute. You want to be aware what kind of pressure you will face and what mistakes you could make. And then you want to be able to close your eyes and execute every action in your head until you reach your goal.
You want to understand your acceptable delivery. Too ambitious you might not have enough time. Too broad criteria you will know if you're going to have a desireable end result. You need to understand your skill level and the outcome that you could be happy with in the amount of time you allow yourself.
At each and every step, you want laser focus on your target. You want to be able to have clear vision. If you have to lose sight of your target, for any reason, quickly gain sight of target so you never be disoriented
You want to go fast, but not faster than your ability to execute each step. You don't want to cut corner, or perform a task without caring about the result. Must do what it takes to delivery quality before moving on.
Reduce amount of time you're not performing a task. If you're not delivering, you're wasting time.
Don't just do one thing if you CAN do more. Double edge sword but if you want to have an edge, look for things you can perform in paralell. Taking a call while walking to your car, is not a terrible idea.
Always be alart of mistakes. A big part of planning is identifying potential risk and coming up with contengency plan. If shit hit the fans during a time crunch, good chance is you don't have a clear mind to come up with anything good. Always plan for the worst but do not let it drive you decision. Balance between acceptable risk and reward.
Control your stress. If your adrenaline level is spiking, must cool off before taking actions. A rush would cause you tunnel vision, making you more error prone and missing important steps.
Final thoughts
I haven't metioned why you'd want to go fast. To me, there's no improvement if you don't have time pressure. Having be able to deliver the same quality with less time is the goad to improve every time. So ultimately, it's a matter of challenging yourself to become better.